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Toro earned his AKC Certificate of Merit

January 2020 AKC welcomed the Dogo Argentino into full recognition to the Working group. We showed Toro de Debonair CM at the Indio AKC show in Palm Springs California. Toro won Best of Breed at the City of Industry AKC show.

February- Debonair's She's Got Moxie CM won Best of Breed at the AKC Del Mar show, Toro de Debonair CM went best of opposite sex.

February 29th Debonair's She's Got Moxie CM went Best Of Breed at the prestigious Beverly Hills AKC show featured on NBC. Toro de Debonair CM went best of opposite sex to Moxie.

March-October all shows were canceled


February we headed to Arizona to the UKC show. Toro won all 4 Best of Breeds. Our new imported male Jager earned 3 Best Male wins. Baby Stella got her paws wet and got 2 Best of Breed Puppy

February we also did the Del Mar AKC Show. Moxie won 6 Best Female, Best of Opposite sex. Toro won 3 Best Male, 3 Best of Breed and 2 first place Misc Groups

March we did the IABCA with Jager and he earned his adult International Championship. We also Showed Toro at the Beverly Hills AKC show and he earned Best of Breed

April we headed up to San Francisco to an AKC FSS show with Moxie and Toro. Moxie won all 4 Best Female, 3 Best of Opposite sex, 1 Best of Breed, 1 Best Misc, 1 FSS BEST IN SHOW! Toro won 2 Best Male, 2 Best of Breed, 1 Best Misc, he also finished his CM title (Certificate of Merit)

May we did the AKC Pomona Memorial day weekend show. Toro won all 4 Best males, he also won 2 Best of Breeds and 2 Best in Show Misc. Moxie won all 4 Best females, she also won 2 Best of Breeds and 2 Best in show Misc. Moxie finished her CM title (Certificate of Merit)

In June we showed UKC and Jager finished his UKC Championship, earned a Best of Breed and a Guardian Group 3. Stella earned 2 Best Female, 1 Best of Breed and a Guardian Group 1.

October Toro earned his IABCA International Championship and a BEST IN SHOW RARE BREED ADULT

November we showed Toro, Victoria and Stella at the UKC show in Claremont California. Victoria finished her UKC Championship. Toro earned all 4 Best of Breeds and a Reserve Best in Show!

Toro is the #1 UKC/USA Dogo for 2019. Stella is #4 Dogo overall and #1 female Dogo and Jager is tied with Stella for #4 Dogo overall for 2019.


In January we started 2018 at the First Annual California Classic. There was a nice Dogo turnout. Moxie earned a Grand Champion point and one Best of Breed. Victoria, an eight month old Hawk/Draco daughter got a best female point and one Best of Breed. Toro, a seven month old Lola/Draco son got two best male points. 

We headed to Arizona since most of the California shows have been cancelled this year. Moxie finished her Grand Championship. Toro finished his UKC Championship going Best of Breed and earning a Group 2, he also earned his first Grand Champion point. 

In April we showed Toro with IABCA. He went Best Bred By Puppy in Show twice and Reserve Best Bred By Puppy in Show twice. He earned 3 Championships as well. He earned a National Puppy Title, an International Puppy Title and an Honors Puppy Title. 

We headed to Northern California to a UKC Show. Moxie earned two Best of Breed wins and a Group 3. Kona won a Champion of Champions earning her another Grand Champion point. Toro also won two Champion of Champion wins earning him a Grand Champion point as well, he also won a Best of Breed.

In June Toro earned a Grand Champion point and a Best of Breed

October we headed to Arizona and Moxie earned her IABCA International Adult Title and a RESERVE BEST RARE BREED ADULT IN SHOW

November finished our year on a great note Toro earned his final 2 Champion of Champions wins and earned his UKC Grand Champion, being the 1st 'PR' (Purple Ribbon) Grand Champion. Hawk earned 2 Champion of Champions wins. Moxie won all 4 BEST OF BREEDS. We also finished 2018 with 4 out of the Top ten UKC Dogos. Moxie is #1, Debonair's Redtail Po is #3, Toro is #4 and also the #1 Male, Debonair's Kane is #6.

Moxie finishes 2018 as the #1 UKC/USA Dogo
Toro finishes 2018 as the #4 UKC/USA Dogo


We started 2017 off with  great turnout at the Claremont UKC show. Our New Champion is Luna Diana de Debonair, a daughter of Vinny and Sofia. Exodus earned his UKC Championship in one weekend. Poseidon (pirate out of Champions Hircine and Artemis) was also shown. Chyna was shown as well. Moxie earned Top Ten Breed points and  all four Best of Breed wins. 

The Memorial Day Weekend UKC show was a huge success for us. Kona earned a best female win and finished her Championship. Chyna earned a best female win. Moxie earned 36 Top Ten Breed points and all Six Best of Breed wins. 

On the East Coast Debonair's Redtail Poe became the first 'Purple Ribbon Champion Dogo'. We are her proud breeder, she is a daughter of 4X Champion Draco and UKC Champion Hawk. She also finished off in the UKC Top Ten. 

Hawk was shown at the UKC Alaskian Klee Kai show and won a Champion of Champions. Chyna finished her Championship.

Last show of the year for us was in October. Kona earned a Grand Champion point and went breed in show #3. Moxie earned 3 Grand Champion points and went breed in Show#1,#2 and #4. Moxie earned 6 more breed points.

Moxie is the #1 UKC/USA Dogo for 2017


January- Draco finished his UKC Championship and earned a Best of Breed and Group 1. Sirius earned a Best of Breed and Group 1. Draco and Sirius are now tied for #1 Dogo with UKC. Sadly this was Sirius's last show as he passed away in the spring of 2016.

Moxie and Draco earned their ARBA, KC- USA and UCI International Championships. Moxie was awarded 6 Group 1 and 6 BEST IN SHOWS with ARBA and 6 Group 1 and 6 BEST IN SHOWS with KC-USA. 

Kona, Luna and Moxie have all been working on their UKC Championships. Kona earned three wins. Luna earned three wins. Moxie completed her UKC Championship. She also earned enough breed points to land her in 2nd place for the 2016 UKC Top Ten.

Moxie 12x Best in Show winner at ARBA, KC-USA
Moxie at only Eight months and already a Best in Show winner


Just starting his show career Draco de Debonair, son of UKC Grand Champion Invincible de Debonair and UKC Champion Debonair's A Pirate's Treasure, he has earned two wins with competition at his first weekend out showing. We have high hopes for this next generation of our line.

Introducing a new show girl as well UKC Champion Debonair's Red Tail Hawk, daughter of UKC Grand Champion Sirius de Debonair CM #1 UKC Dogo four years and counting and UKC Champion Redtail Kausa. Hawk was bred by renowned UKC Judge and Dogo breeder for over two decades Tim Parr. We were thrillled to add this blood to our line with such greats as Gator and Cuda the only two Dogos ever to earn French Ring Titles. Look out here comes Hawk!!! She is currently working on her Grand Championship.

In the fall so far we have finished two of our older La Cocha girls shown with hunting scars and all. Cali de la Cocha finished her UKC Championship. Zamba IV de la Cocha finished her UKC Championship.

Debonair's Sassy Lass, daughter of UKC Grand Champion Vinny and UKC Champion Jazmin, finished her UKC Championship in just two weekends. Jazmin and Sirius's daughter Debonair's She's Got Moxie earned her first win with competition at just six months

Sirius is the 2015 #1 UKC Dogo.

UKC Champion Draco de Debonair 17 months
ARBA, KC-USA and UCI International Champion

UKC Champion Debonair's Redtail Hawk, 16 months

Champion Debonair's She's Got Moxie, six months
ARBA, KC-USA and UCI International Champion 12 X Best in Show winner

Sirius finished 2014 as once again the #1 Dogo in UKC, ARBA and KC-USA forums. He also won 3rd place in the year end all breed Tournament of Champions.

We started the year with Sirius's daughter Lola earning her UKC Championship. Lola also finished the year as the #8  2014 UKC Dogo.

Jazmin finished her UKC Championship going Best Of Breed and a Group 1.

Sofia also finished her UKC Championship as well and she earned two Best of Breeds and a Group 1 and Group 2.

We ended the year with Sirius's daughter Treasure finishing her UKC Championship and earning two Best of Breeds and two Group 2 placements.


Rocco and Karma at 3 months their first show
Vinny and Phoenix pups

Karma getting show tips from Uncle Sirius

Rocco and Karma playing with big brother Hercules

Karma owning Dog Show Life

February- We started the year off with a Bang. The UKC La Mesa California Show had a nice large turnout for Dogos 6 adults and 2 puppies were shown and 3 others came out to cheer them on. It was nice to see a few of our families getting the show bug. Sirius took breed in all four shows and also took two Group 1 and two Group 2. Vinny earned 3 Grand Champion points. Sofia earned her first win with competition and Bellissima is now a UKC Champion. Two of Vinny and Phoenix pups, Rocco and Karma, did very well in the puppy class they looked just like their Champion parents in the ring. We also had many visitors meeting the breed and all the Dogos loved the attention. What a great start to the year.
March- Vinny earned his UKC GRAND CHAMPIONSHIP. He took a Best of Breed win and is currently the #2 UKC Dogo for 2013. Sirius took three Best of Breed wins and currently the #1 UKC Dogo for 2013 with 25 Breed points. Sirius also earned two Group 1 wins with strong Guardian Group competition.
September- After taking the summer off we decided to bring Sirius back out with ARBA and KC-USA. He earned his Master Championship with KC-USA and Claimed a BEST IN SHOW, he is now only the second Dogo ever to earn this title followed by his brother Vinny. He also Claimed two more ARBA BEST IN SHOW ribbons, it was nice to see him back in the ring after a long summer break. Sirius has earned two UCI Titles as well the Efren (CACH) and the Ehrenchampionats (CACH-BRONZE). Sirius was also shown UKC and earned another Reserve Best in Show and 5 more breed points. Our Daughter Carla won all four Best Jr Handlers this weekend as well with UKC. Jazmin won her first win with competition with UKC.
December- Sirius has also been climbing the UCI ranks, Ehren-B ( CACH-SILVER) and he has now made it to the CACH-G ( Ehren- GOLD). In the 2013 Tournament he claimed 5th place all breeds and took home 4 more BEST IN SHOWS!!
Sirius is the 2013 # 1 Dogo for UKC, ARBA and KC-USA.

Sirius 27 Best in shows, 10 Reserves & counting

Vinny finished his ARBA Championship as well as his KC-USA Championship in March, and his ARBA Master Championship in May.
Carla just started showing AKC Juniors and has now made it out of the novice class. She also has earned 13 CM points on Sirius so far and 6 Best MISC in shows. Sirius has also qualified for the 2012 Eukanuba Tournament of Champions.
Cassi has now earned 3 CM points with AKC and a Best Misc in Show defeating competition and she has now qualified for the 2012 Eukanuba Tournament of Champions.
June 3rd 2012 Sirius has now earned his AKC Certificate of Merit and will now carry the CM after his name.
In July Lil Carla earned another UKC Best Junior handler in Show and another UKC Reserve Best in Show on Sirius.
August has been hot we only did one UKC show up the coast at Pismo Beach and Carla and Sirius took home 3 more Best Junior Handler in Show wins. (She is currently ranked #5 Open Junior for 2012) Sirius is currently ranked #1 Dogo. We also showed Diabla de las Arrias to her UKC Championship.
September and October we showed Fiona de la Cocha to her UKC, ARBA Jr, KC-USA and UCI Puppy International.
November our Daughter showed Vinny and earned 2 ARBA BEST IN SHOWS, 3 ARBA Reserve Best in Shows, 2 KC-USA BEST IN SHOWS and 1 KC-USA Reserve Best in Show. He also earned his ARBA Senior Master Championship, his UCI Adult International Championship and became the FIRST KC-USA Master Champion Dogo. Also at this show weekend Bellissima de Debonair (AKA Puddin) earned her ARBA Jr, KC-USA and UCI International Championships.
December Vinny earned 3 more Reserve Best in shows with ARBA and 2 more Reserve Best in shows with KC-USA. Vinny is the #1 Dogo in both the ARBA and KC-USA forums for 2012, he is also in the TOP TEN all breeds for both these forums. Puddin finished her ARBA Championship. Our boy Sirius is the #1 UKC Dogo for 2012 and lil Carla is in the UKC Top 10 Open Junior Handlers for 2012. What a great year!!!


January ARBA show weekend Sirius de Debonair took 2 Best In Shows, 2 Reserve Best in Shows and a BEST IN CLASSIC.
In March Sirius earned his Junior KC Championship title and a KC Adult Best in Show.
In April Sirius earned 2 Grand Champion points with UKC, our daughter won 2 Best Junior handler awards and also took home a UKC Reserve Best in Show. Cassiopeia de Debonair also earned 2 Grand Champion points with UKC and both Sirius and Cassi are currently tied for second place in the UKC top ten for 2011 with many more shows to come this year. Also in April Sirius earned his UCI International and IABCA National Championships and 2 Best Bred By In Show, 3 Best in Shows, and a Reserve Best in Show. Maya earned her International Championship and a Reserve Best in Show.
In May Sirius finished his KC Adult Championship and went on to win 3 more KC Best Adult in Shows and a BEST IN CLASSIC. Also in May Sirius earned his MASTER ARBA CHAMPIONSHIP and took home 3 Best in Shows and a Reserve Best in Show, and BEST IN CLASSIC with ARBA.
In June, July and August we have been showing UKC and we finished a Championship on Invincible de Debonair, a Championship on Naupa de el Tumi (Maya), and a Grand Championships on Sirius.
Labor day weekend our Dogos earned 7 Championship titles. Sirius finished his KC-International title. Vinny his first time out with KC-USA and ARBA earned a KC-USA JR, ARBA JR , and UCI International titles all in one weekend. Cassi, handled by our 12 year old daughter, finished her ARBA Master Championship, and earned her KC-USA and UCI International titles and took home 4 Best in Shows and 2 Reserve Best in Shows. What a great weekend!
Sophie's dad just sent us a text she finished her Master Championship. Apollo (son of Sophie and Toro) is currently in the UKC Top Ten.
Sirius earned his first BEST IN SHOW MISC with AKC and qualified for the 2011 Eukanuba tourament of Champions.
Sirius is the #1 Dogo in ARBA, KC-USA and UKC #1 male Dogo for 2011. On December 10th our 12 year old daughter showed Sirius in the ARBA year end tournament and won 3rd place all breeds and also two reserve best in shows. Sirius is now the second EVER Senior Master Champion Dogo, his sister Phoenix was the first.
Cassi fininshed her UKC Grand Championship and is the #3 Dogo with UKC and the #2 Dogo with ARBA and KC-USA for 2011. Our Zoe also finshed her Grand Championship in 2011 and is the #5 Dogo in UKC.
Our Daughter finished 2011 as the #1 UKC Junior Handler in the country. Her Junior partner is Sirius and he finished the year as the #1 male Dogo in UKC with a 12 year old as his primary handler.

Cassiopeia second place all breeds ARBA
2010Tournament of Champions

2010- Phoenix is the first Dogo to earn the highest ARBA title SENIOR MASTER CHAMPION.  Phoenix also won 4th place in the 2009 Tournament of Champions on January 9th 2010. In this show weekend she also received a Runner up Best in Show and a Best in show. In March Phoenix won 4 more BEST IN SHOWS at the Sunray Classic in San Diego with ARBA. She is currently ranked as the #1 Dogo and #2 Dog all breeds with ARBA for 2010. In April Phoenix earned her Adult UCI International Championship title.
After taking the summer off from showing we started back up at the ARBA Labor day weekend show with two of our young 6 month bred-by show prospect puppies 'Cassiopeia' and 'Sirius'.  To our amazement Cassi took an Adult BEST IN SHOW  a group 1 and three group 2 wins. Sirius shown by our 11 year old daughter took two group 2 wins. Both pups also earned their ARBA Junior Championships and are both now featured in the ARBA Top ten Dogos for 2010. Our future is looking bright with these up coming stars.
Sirius and Cassiopeia both earned their UKC Championships. Sirius also took home one Group1 and three Group2 placements and is currently featured in the UKC Top ten Dogos for 2010. Our Daughter took Best Junior Handler for both shows on Saturday with Cassi and both shows with Sirius on Sunday.

In November both Sirius and Cassiopeia finished their ARBA Championships and both are in the ARBA Top Ten Dogos. 

In December we fininshed 2010 with Cassi winning 2nd place in the Tournament and Phoenix becoming the #1 Dogo, #1 Working Dog and the #2 ARBA Dog of 2010. Phoenix also took home 2 more Reserve Best in Show wins and 2 more Best in Show wins. For 2010 Phoenix, Cassi and Sirius are the #1, #2 and #3 Dogo Argentinos with ARBA and Sirius is the UKC #4 Dogo for 2010.

Phoenix 4 Best in Shows in one weekend with ARBA


2009- Dogos we have bred have been consistantly in the Top Ten for the last five years. We would like to thank all their families for their efforts in getting our pups out there in the show ring.
**We are Proud to be the Breeder/ and or owner of five Dogos in the *ARBA TOP TEN DOGOS FOR 2009*and the #1 and #2 Dogos in both NAKC and UKC forums for 2009**
#1 ARBA Dogo Phoenix de Debonair
#2 ARBA Dogo El Ilusionista de Debonair
#3 ARBA Dogo La Tentadora de Debonair
#6 ARBA Dogo Narcheska de Debonair
#7 ARBA Dogo Amira de Casahuarpe
#1 UKC Dogo Phoenix de Debonair
#2 UKC Dogo El Ilusionista de Debonair
#1 NAKC Dogo El Ilusionista de Debonair
#1 NAKC female Dogo Sophie de Debonair
Phoenix de Debonair is the #1 UKC Dogo in the USA. She earned both her UKC Championship and also her Grand Championship in 2009 being shown by our 10 year old daughter, Carla.  Carla is the #1 UKC Novice Junior handler in the USA and the #10 UKC Open Junior handler in the USA (#3 in her Region). Phoenix earned her Master ARBA title and is the #1 Dogo, #2 Working dog and #3 dog All Breeds.  Phoenix also earned her UCI International and IABCA National puppy Championships.
El Ilusionista de Debonair earned his UKC and ARBA Championships. He also earned an International Championship with IABCA. In the NAKC forum he earned three titles an American, Canadian and International Championship and he is the #1 NAKC Dogo for 2009. He has thus far won 6 Best in Shows and 3 Reserve Best in Shows 1 Best in Show Rare Breed and a Best Dog in Classic. La Tentadora de Debonair earned both her UKC and ARBA Championships.Narcheska de Debonair earned both her UKC and ARBA Championships.Sophie de Debonair finished her UKC Championship she is now a dual ARBA/UKC Champion she is also the #1 Female Dogo in NAKC. Canidia de Debonair earned a Best in Show Puppy.Lucero earned her Grand UKC Championship. Amira de Casahuarpe earned both her UKC and ARBA Championships and is in both forums Top ten Dogos for 2009. Zoe earned 3 out of the 5 points needed towards her UKC Grand Championship.

Multuple best in shows for Phoenix with IABCA

2008- We are so proud of all our Show wins for 2008 and it was mostly made posible from all our wonderful new families that show their pups from us so Thank you all for all your hard work. 
***We are Proud to be the Breeder/ and or owner of six Dogos in the **ARBA TOP TEN DOGOS FOR 2008***
#1 ARBA Dogo Phoenix de Debonair
#3 ARBA Dogo Sophie de Debonair
#4 ARBA Dogo Stella de Debonair
#7 ARBA Dogo Lujan Bravoure Blanche(Bella)
#8 ARBA Dogo Amira de Casa Huarpe
#9 ARBA Dogo Rosso de Debonair
Phoenix de Debonair #1 Dogo, #3 Working Dog, #9 overall All breeds ARBA 2008. She is also #4 Dogo and #1 Female Dogo NAKC 2008.  Total 9 Best in shows for 2008 and 2nd place in the Tournament of Champions (out of 41 Champions entered).
All this and Phoenix is not even 1 year old.
This year we kept our first Bred By for a show Prospect a female named Phoenix de Debonair. She earned her first title ARBA Junior Champion at only 7 months and her full ARBA Championship at only 9 months. She shocked us finishing the year as #1 DOGO IN ARBA when she was still under 1 year. Champion Sophie de Debonair finished her ARBA title. Dual Champion Stella de Debonair finished both her ARBA JR title and UKC Championships. She also earned an ARBA BEST IN SHOW. JR CH Champion Rosso de Debonair earned his ARBA Junior Championship title in only one weekend his first time out showing. Bella finished both her ARBA and UKC Championships. JR CH Amira de Casahuarpe earned 7 CAC-US points and finished her ARBA Jr Title and is the #8 Dogo. She also has points towards her UKC CH.

Phoenix Multiple Best in show Puppies
Phoenix was the #1 Dogo in ARBA for 2008

2007-  This amazing year finished with Lucero going BEST IN SHOW and earning the honor of #1 FEMALE DOGO in ARBA for 2007. A special thank you to all the families of our pups for getting out there showing and working so hard these last three years..
We are very proud to be the breeder and/or owner of seven of the TOP TEN ARBA Dogos for 2007!!!
Master Champion Maca (Lucero) is the #1 female and #2 Dogo overall
Master Champion Debonair's Santo is the #2 Male and #4 Dogo overall
Salsa de Debonair is the #5 Dogo for 2007
Bella, Charisma and Amira are tied for #7 Dogo for 2007
Sophie de Debonair is the #10 Dogo for 2007
Congratulations also to Deebo de Debonair the #4 Canadian Rarities Dogo for 2007.
Champion Maximus Thracian de Debonair earned his UKC Championship in only one weekend at the young age of 7 months and received the honor of Reserve Best in Show. At his second show at 11 months Max earned a BEST IN SHOW. Max also earned his CGC and TDI. Cuma de Debonair received a Reserve BEST IN SHOW Puppy award at an ARBA show and went on to win a CAC-US. Deebo de Debonair at only 11 months, at his first show on June 17th, earned 4 BOB, 3 Group Two, 1 Group One, and a BEST IN SHOW with Canadian Rarities. He is now #4 Dogo for Rarities in 2007 only showing once this year. Salsa de Debonair received a few CAC-US points with ARBA  she also passed the DACA Hunt test at the 2007 Speciality. Charisma finished her ARBA Championship in March. Bella finished her UKC Championship in May and took a Group 1 and three Group 2 wins.

Master Champion 'Lucero' winning Best in Show
#1 female Dogo 2005 and 2007 with ARBA

2006-  .The year started off great with Mulit Champion Debonair's Santo earning his Master ARBA Championship(Second EVER following his sire Diego) and him winning a Reserve Best In Show at the SunRay Classic in March.  He was also the #2 Dogo in the ARBA forum for 2006.UKC CH Tony de Debonair went Best of Breed at Molosser Stock 2006 and also finished his UKC Championship in just one weekend in May. In September 2006 I showed Paco de Debonair at the DACA Special and he recieved a very promising critique from Argentine Dogo expert,  breeder and veterinarian Victor Solazzo . BISS Champion Charisma de Argentum won Best Jr Puppy in Show at the DACA National Specialty in Texas.  She also defeated many adult Dogos as a pup in 06 and won many Group wins in UKC, KC and ARBA. Charisma earned points towards her UKC Title and ARBA Championship. She also won 3 BEST IN SHOWS and 2 RES BEST IN SHOWS.Lucero, Zoe and Charisma along with Santo were all in the ARBA top ten for 2006.
2005-  We got to see what a Dogo bred by us could do in the ring. Debonair's Santo (son of Diego) earned his ARBA and UKC Championship titles and was the #2 ARBA Dogo he was ranked in the UKC Top Ten for 2005. Our female Multi Champion Maca de la Cocha (Lucero) was the 2005 #1 ARBA female Argentine Dogo and the #1 female Dogo Argentino in Canadian Rarities.  She had won 3 Best In Show JP, and finished 6 Championships in 2005.  Diego earned his Master ARBA Championship (First Dogo EVER to achieve this title) in March of 2005 and was featured in the ARBA top ten. Diana de la Cocha (Zoe)and Lujan Bravoure Blanche (Bella) started their show careers in ARBA.  Zoe finished two Championships ARBA and ADCA she was also featured in ARBA Top Ten Dogos.
2004-  Our second year of showing Dogos was very exciting as well. Multi Champion Iago de las Aguas Mansas, or Diego as we call him, finished the year as the #1 male Dogo Argentino in the UKC top ten for 2004.  We also got the chance to take him to Mexico and he completed his Championship in FCM Mexico (FCI).  Diego received an IABCA National Championship title along with a UCI International Championship with some complementary critques from all the International judges. Debonair's Chica finished her UKC Champion and was ranked UKC Dogo #8 2004. Diego, Nina and Chica all earned UKC Grand Champion points.
2003-  This was our starting year for showing Dogos. Diego was honored as the #1 Dogo in ARBA, the #1 Adult Dogo in Rarities, and the #2 UKC Dogo. Diego finished many Championship titles including Rarities American, Canadian, and International Champion, ARBA Champion, UKC Champion and ADCA Champion. He also competeted in and placed high in the ARBA Tournament of Champions for 2003. He  earned a CGC and passed the ATTS test. This was a great year of showing for us Debonair's Nina also became a UKC Champion.

Diego's second show March 2003 and a Group 1 NAKC